Wallace B. McClure
All About Wally McClure - The musings of Wallym on Web, HTML5, Mobile, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Windows Azure.
UIRefreshControl Timeout with Xamarin.iOS
The UIRefreshControl doesn't have a timeout mechanism built into it. Once the refresh begins, the control will display that a refresh is occurring until the .EndRefreshing() method is called. Because we are in a mobile environment, the data may never come back. We don't want to display the UIRefreshControl forever. Solving this problem is actually pretty simple. Setup a timer and when the timer runs, call .EndRefreshing(). Here is some code I used for this:
Using the UIRefreshControl with the UICollectionView in Xamarin.iOS
If you have used Twitter on an iPhone, you are familiar with the concept of pull to refresh. When you work with a UITableViewController, there is a .Refresh property that can be used to assign a Refresh Control to. A UICollectionViewcontroller has many similarities. Unfortunately, the .RefreshControl property is not one of them. How in the heck are you supposed to provide the same functionality in the UICollectionViewController? It is actually rather simple, but not documented by Apple. I found this on Stack Overflow and translated it to Xamarin.iOS. The steps are:
Mapping and Location with Xamarin.Android (formerly Mono for Android)
Real Estate is all about location, location, location. Mobile is about maps, location and maps. Maps are an excellent mechanism to communicate information about locations. Maps are graphical, and you know that a picture is worth a thousand words. When users are mobile, presenting a user with a map provides him with easy-to-understand location information in a graphical format. Android provides full mapping support to present maps to users along with a programmable API. In this article, I'll introduce the mapping and location APIs in Mono for Android.
Article - Create a MapView in Google Maps for iOS
With the introduction of iOS 6 in September 2012, Apple Inc. removed the map system based on Google Maps and introduced its own map system for iPhone and iPad users. The introduction of Apple Maps, like any new technology, came with its own problems.
Mapping and Location in iOS and Android at Xamarin Evolve 2013
The following is a link to my talk on Mapping & Location in iOS and Android at Xamarin Evolve 2013. Obviously, the talk is centered on MonoTouch, aka Xamarin.iOS, and Mono for Android, aka Xamarin.Android. In this talk, I cover the native functionality of each platform. In addition, I cover Google Maps for iOS SDK. I hope that you find the talk to be helpful.
Testing WebAPI with Fiddler
I was wanting to test some WebAPI Methods via Fiddler so that I could all be working on one machine, debug, and make sure that everything is working. Here is what my fiddler setup looks like:
Xamarin.iOS Visual Studio Plugin Article
Url: http://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2013/04/01/ios-development.aspx
Juice Up Your Android UI
Recently, I wrote an article for our Mono for Android column about improving your user interface of your applications. The url is: http://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2013/03/01/enhancing-your-uis.aspx
Mobile Web Development Featuring jQuery Mobile
Url: http://elearning.left-brain.com/event/mobile-web-development-jquery-mobile?code=EP3234W1
Free Xamarin Studio and Free Chapters 1-4 Professional Android Programming with Mono for Android and .NET/C#
On February 20, Xamarin announced a new version of MonoDevelop called Xamarin Studio. We've been big fans of Xamarin and Miguel de Icaza's work all the way back to the inception of the Mono project so we're especially amped to see Xamarin release a Free Starter Xamarin Studio to bring this great mobile development tool to an even bigger programmer audience.