Wayne Allen's Weblog
pragmatic agility
Excerpts from The Deadline – Tom DeMarco
I had never read "The Deadline" by DeMarco, but it turned up on my boss' desk one day and I borrowed it.
The Additional Software Tester's Axiom
Axiom VI: Testing? What testing?
Workshop at XP2006 on Agile Process Smells
Come to my Agile Process Anti-patterns Workshop on 6/21 10:45 - 3:30
HanselMinutes #4
Scott Hanselman has started a podcast called HanselMinutes to talk tools and utilities. Episode #4 on Continuous Integration caught my attention because of 2 names mentioned during the discussion of the Ruby Watir library. Both Dustin Woodhouse and Travis Illig got mentioned because of tools they have written to integrate the Watir functionality at development or test time. Travis wrote RubyTestExecutor which hooks Ruby/Watir scripts up with NUnit. Dustin wrote WatirNUt which is a utility that creates a portable, testable NUnit binary wrapper around Watir test scripts and supporting files.
Speaking at SAO 11/30/05
For those of you in the Portland, OR metro area you might be interested in attending the SAO Developers SIG on Wednesday Nov 30, 2005 at 7:30am. The topic will be Agile Development - The Academic and Industry Perspectives. I will be sharing the stage with Ward Cunningham and Greg Rose. My topic will be "The Agile Customer". Hope to see you there.
Why Don't You Take Vacation?
Recently I have run into a number of people, both employees and consultants who can’t seem to separate themselves from their work while on vacation. This behavior is extremely mystifying to me. A related phenomenon is people who won’t/don’t use their vacation. I’ve identified 4 personalities that exhibit these tendencies.
10/13 Carnival of Agilists
Hosted by Pete Behrens the Agile Executive. Go check it out.
Agile Process Smells: Solution Stories
One of the things that often happens when the product owner is technically savvy is that they start writing solution stories. That is they specify how something should be done technically rather than what should be done.
Agile Process Smells: Waiting on Specialists
A common smell that is often detected in teams trying to become more agile is more and more stories/backlog items incomplete at the end of the iteration. There are a couple of different reasons this might happen, but the one I'm interested in today can be detected by the claim "I finished my tasks". The clear implication is that "I got my stuff done, but someone else didn't".
Carnival Of The Agilists - 09/29/05
The Carnival of meme has hit the agile blog world. Check out the first edition.