We are happy to announce the shipment of VWG Enterprise Server Beta version for scaling over a web farm

The Beta version is available for Beta Testers upon registration. We have to limit Beta testers count to 100 only, so if you are interested apply ASAP.

What is VWG enterprise server?

The Enterprise Server beta version 6.1 provides the scaling capabilities & redundancy required in order to store the session state within an external state server that can be either an SQL Server or any state server which is enabled by Microsoft ASP.NET session state.

The Enterprise Server is constructed of 2 main orchestrating components:

  1. The Enterprise Server’s Windows Service which is responsible of enabling the serialization of the VWG state and assuring the process is done efficiently and optimized.
  2. The Enterprise Server SDK which is capable to communicate with the Enterprise Server’s Windows service enabling state serialization.
    The installation

The installation file presents 2 options:

  1. Enterprise SDK – which will install the Enterprise Server’s Windows Service locally of the selected .NET runtime version along with the selected VS version’s VWG templates (should be selected when installing development machines).
  2. Enterprise Server – which will install the Enterprise Server’s Windows Service locally only (should be selected when installing a server).


Regarding the ASP.NET session state configuration:   

<!--  SESSION STATE SETTINGS          By default ASP.NET uses cookies to identify which requests belong to a particular session.          
If cookies are not available, a session can be tracked by adding a session identifier to the URL.          
To disable cookies, set sessionState cookieless="true".    -->   
      <sessionState            mode="InProc"           
        sqlConnectionString="data source=;Trusted_Connection=yes"           
        cookieless="false"            timeout="20"    />

While using mode=“InProc” as shown above, scalability is not enabled since the state is kept “in process” meaning within the IIS/WebDev server.

Configuring mode= “Off” cannot be used with VWG as session state is essential in order to run the Server Based architecture.

Any other configuration, such as mode=”SQLServer” (along with a proper definition of the connection) will require the serializablility capabilities implemented within the scalability service orchestrated with the Enterprise SDK.


Running any session state mode other than “InProc” will require the Windows Service to be available and running.


You should make sure that all of the server side objects you are using are either serialize-able (meaning that all of their members are either primitives or are serialize-able objects recursively), alternatively they can suit if they are re-initialized automatically when empty.

Those of you interested, can apply through support@visualwebgui.com

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