We are advancing the shipment of Visual WebGui's Silverlight 2.0 CTP, to March 18, and aiming at shipping Beta version in no more then a couple of months time

SL 2.0 will be the premium alternative presentation layer foro VWG. It is inter-switchable with the exicting VWG HTML presentation. Its introduction, allow significant, unique benefits for Line–Of–Business (LOB) Web application:

At design time;

v  VWG lends its simple, productive, Window Form's based designer and development patterns, to designing SL 2.0 UIs.

v  By using VWG designer with all WinForm’s controls enabled, developers can start building real world SL 2.0 applications fast and simple without having to re-tool or re-learn, and spend time consuming efforts on learning curve

v  Development cycles can be cut by as much as 90% compared to traditional offerings, a significant benefit for developers and enterprises that have been seeking faster and riskless ROI on their RIA investment.See SAP’s real world experience with VWG HTML presentation layer


v  Migration of legacy; VB6 or WinForms to VWG DHTMLbrowser or Silverlight  by a "push of a button“ (in pure VB or WinForm application, migration can be as simple as changing “name spaces”). This is a revolutionary benefit, as enterprises can save enormously on porting to Web without rewrite.


At run time VWG offers strategic solutions, to common critical RIA setbacks :

v  Inter-switchable DHTML or Silverlight 2.0 presentation layers by a "push of a button”. Allows default accessibility from DHTML browsers and a fallback.

v  Zero client foot print as logic and data runs on server and the server is doing all the lifting, enterprises can achieve desktop like performance on web with full blown Vista look and feel without Web typical compromises and sub-setting. Full IT level complexities supported by desktop can be ported to Web.

See NetworkD real world experience with VWG HTML presentation layer


v  Security-by-design (if nothing is exposed on client there is nothing to protect), puts off critical concerns and allow enterprises to utilize the economical high reach of the Web safely, for their IT systems.  




Ø  Visual WebGui's SL 2.0 SDK CTP will be available for download under CTP license agreement as from March 17 @ http://www.visualwebgui.com/silverlight/tabid/382/Default.aspx   


Ø  Visual WebGui's SL 2.0 SDK Beta shipping is scheduled for end of MAY 2008. You can start developing now and switch to Silverlight on due course.

Ø  Visual WebGui's DHTML presentation layer is going to be released at the end of March 2008, in both a premium commercial version and open source LGPL license agreement

Ø  Visual WebGui offers free access to community resources on its website, and will offer commercial support, consultancy, customization and bug prioritization on its commercial web site as from end of March 2008.    


VWG - The technology  

The most abstract descriptive analogy to Visual WebGui’s platform is; "Webtized Mainframe".

In fact VWG technology can run any presentation layer that send and receives XML, on any device including Mobiles

VWG extends and optimizes AJAX and uses DHTML standard browser or Silverlight as its presentation layer to leverage the "Webtized Mainframe" model, to meet the needs of the most up dated Line-Of-Business RIA web applications.

Unlike the old Mainframe VWG client is Empty! (Rather then dumb).  Application UI logic runs on the server and nothing runs on client! Unless the developer chooses to interact and introp or invoke client local resources

The innovation that makes this model so light on the network, lies within the server client connectivity which is a propriety, extra optimized protocol.Using this protocol, literally, server state is being "screened" on the client, by Meta data. Nothing but incremental Meta Data (further optimization) goes back and forth, thus payloads are constant and stay less then 1 kb regardless of the application weight and size. VWG model achieves full proven desktop level performance, lifting ability, and user experience with this propriety model.  


Gizmox is the company that will offer commercial premium products and support for Visual WebGui  


Gizmox had formed as a company July 2007. The company is funded by an Israeli VC and private investors. Its active chairman of the board is Prof. Arie Scope founder of MICROSOFT Israeli subsidiary, and its former GM and Chairman for 16 years. Guy Peled is Gizmox's CTO and Navot Peled is Gizmox's CEO.


Gizmox starts sales on April 2008 (ahead of the original scheduling), as demand for support, services and licenses grew fast and superseded original forecasts.

 Some facts and figures:


Ø  Over 180,000 downloads


Ø  21,000 registered developers, software houses , ISVs


Ø  There are more then 20,000 VWG application, most of them enterprise‘s.


Ø  VWG application are in production at enterprises such as SAP's, Leumi Bank in Israel, Israeli ministry of Land, Phenix insurance company, Hayalon insurance company, European companies such as Trysis, NetworkD, Net Size, File Net banks in Argentina, medical clinics in Canda  and many many more.


Some typical market feedbacks 



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