Hi all,
In the last 2 days we are devoting time and resources to QA the Asp.Net control Wrapper and I just had to give you a small heads up about it so you could start planning.
To those of you that are not familiar with the issue a long time ago we created a demo to show how you can take Asp.Net components that you bought from a third party or created yourself and wrap them and use them as VWG controls, And by that increasing the richness of your control library. It was not a very easy task to do.
When I got to writing an article about it I found out how hard it was to do this and I also found a few bugs that just made it impossible to use.
This led us to rethink the entire control wrapping idea. And I’m happy to say that we found a very nice solution.
The new wrapping feature is not only useful it’s also easy. All you have to do is add to your project a reference to the DLL that holds the control. Then you need to right on the project and select Add->Asp.Net control wrapper. You will be prompt with a list of controls from the list of assembles that are referenced in the project. After you select a control you want to wrap and name it VWG will generate a new control that wraps the Asp.Net control. You can now use it by dragging it to the from the tool box
And with that we covered wrapping of Asp.Net controls. I hope that you are making the same “wow” sounds that I made when I saw this the first time.
This will be release in 6.3 but you will be able to use it in 6.3 pre release version that we will release later on next week.
This is also a new thing that we plan to do, and that to release a few version pre release before the official release to allow you to see the new features and bug fix before the version is out. These versions are just for fun and games and to satisfy your hunger and should be treated that way.
I will release a much more detailed article and demo later on.
Eyal Albert
Eyal Albert