Simplifying mobile app development with HTML5 and BaaS
What is BaaS and how does it simplify mobile app development?
BaaS is increasingly relied on by mobile app developers as a simple way to link with cloud storage, manage users, send push notifications, and link with social media networks. By leveraging a single set of BaaS APIs (like Kinvey's Data Links), app developers gain access to a full suite of backend functionality without developing from scratch or sourcing from wide range of service providers. Basing an application on a scalable and secure back end is essential for enterprise-class deployments. Kinvey's BaaS offering has a proven track record, with successful deployments with companies including Johnson & Johnson, NASCAR, and GSN.
Why it makes so much sense to combine Visual WebGui with BaaS
One of the key benefits of HTML5 is the ability to address a wide range of clients with a single application infrastructure. Visual WebGui was designed with the philosophy of giving .NET developers the ability to build native-quality HTML5 applications that run on desktop, tablet, or mobile phones. We talk about the key VWG benefits of Secure, Fast, and Familiar. Secure - both from the perspective of secure-by-design applications and integration with enterprise access control systems. Fast - from the perspectives of rapid application development and high performance applications. Familiar - from the perspective of letting developers use familar tools like C#, VB.Net, and Visual Studio to develop mobile apps.
Kinvey's BaaS offering was developed with many of the same intentions as VWG. Developers are able to focus on app development while relying on enterprise-class backend services . The combination of VWG and Kinvey empowers .NET developers to build highly scalable and secure applications using their existing development resources.
Developers have the flexibility to deploy Kinvey and Visual WebGui however and wherever they want - in the cloud, in a private cloud, or on premise.
6 Reasons to leverage an HTML5 platform and Baas for enterprise mobile apps

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