My top 3 IT New Year’s Resolutions

As we head into 2010, technological companies and experts are making their predictions as to what the New Year can expect to bring while reviewing the best of 2009. Navot Peled, CEO of Gizmox, has three personal resolutions to share with developers and the IT community, focusing on commitments that he is making.

  1. Ensure that developers have more tools that they really need
    Desktop power on the web, with its enormous economic impact, is a long set goal. Yet as technologies get closer, they get much more complicated. Although Ajax, Silverlight and Flash all introduce complexities that challenge developers, there many tools that try to reduce complexities. My first New Year’s resolution is to reintroduce simplicity to the ever growing complex technological world.

    Sometimes it seems that on a daily basis there are new technologies, and it is difficult for developers to try everything and figure out what is really ideal. In fact, it often seems that new technologies are released just for the sake of it, as they do not bring any real breakthrough or even progress in functionality or productivity when compared to their predecessors. I resolve this year to work harder to encourage both developers and technological companies to create tools that really make a change, and which allow us to be more productive or achieve what was not possible in the past without the need to learn new skills each time a new tool is released.

    Part of this effort means that getting up to par with the trends in the field should be more reachable and cost-effective, such as the latest trends of offering users more accessibility and web 2.0 user experiences. Moving your organization to being web or cloud based not only increases productivity but also can lower costs in the long run - both on infrastructure and maintenance. But before you do so, you need to take in consideration the emerging battle between the Google thin client model and the fat client approach of Microsoft. Google's approach leads towards an organization which consumes everything from the web (or Google) while Microsoft advocates in client installations which requires stronger client computers. There is a gradual boost in available tools following each of the approaches and 2010 might finally be the year when you make the move and modernize your software assets…or at least consider it more seriously!
  2. Ensure that information is better secured
    It seems that the more we improve technology, the more vulnerable it gets.  Each year introduces more problems for the end user, which poorly reflects on developers.  Knowing that there are solutions to most security problems, my resolution is to utilize this year to make sure that developers are protecting their assets and the information in their organization but still doing it in a transparent way that is not a burden on their users.

    Some technologies are more vulnerable than others and companies’ practices can unintentionally create many security holes.  I’m committed to making a stronger effort to ensure that developers know where and how to look for solutions that provide them with a better starting point when designing the security system. 
  3. Work to ensure that information is centralized rather than scattered
    While developers work to expand their services, enhance their products, and make improvements for end users, often they overlook the need to make an effort to consolidate as much aspects of their IT as possible.  My resolution is to help developers look for overall solutions that allow them to centrally manage their system or to be focused on their business needs without having to worry too much about multiple languages, skills binding components together and compatibility issues. This will greatly simplify development, deployment & maintenance in your organization.  And those benefits do not have to be stated here – they are definitely understood!

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