ASP.NET 2.0 Presentations

Below is a series of presentations by Jeff Prosise of Wintellect where he introduces us with the new features of ASP.NET 2.0.

  • Web Forms

    Web Forms - Web forms are the atoms from which ASP.NET Web pages are built. This module introduces the Web forms programming model and acquaints developers with some of the Web controls featured in ASP.NET..
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  • State Management

    State Management - ASP.NET 2.0 provides a variety of mechanisms for building stateful Web applications. This module introduces them all: view state, application cache, session state, profiles, and cookies.
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  • Security

    Security - This module introduces the essentials of ASP.NET security with an emphasis on forms authentication, the membership and role management services, and login controls.
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  • Master Pages and Site Navigation

    Master Pages and Navigation - This module introduces developers to master pages, which are templates that provide content to other pages, and to the data-driven site navigation tools featured in ASP.NET 2.0.
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  • Data Access

    Data Access - New controls in ASP.NET 2.0 enable developers to build sophisticated, data-driven Web pages with little or no code. This module introduces developers to data-driven content, ASP.NET-style.
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  • Application Infrastructure

    Application Infrastructure - Pages alone do not a Web site make. This module introduces other essential elements of ASP.NET applications, including Web.config, Global.asax, components, and resources.
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See ASP.NET Presentations for more details


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