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Replace DBNull with Zero while exporting to CSV or Excel file
Exporting data from DataTale to CSV file is explained in this article.
Email exception stack using Logging Application Block: Email Trace Listener
In application trouble shooting and bug fixing exception stack provides relevant information to handle the exception in efficient manner.
Role based authorization using LoginView control
This article disusses LoginView control, which is part of System.Web.UI.WebControls namespce , can be found with in Visual studio under ASP.NET Login tab.
Custom data method - GridView Sorting and Paging
One of the common task when you use custom data methods is sorting and paging. There is an article here on sorting and paging using custom data. Based on the feed back received from developers to elaborate the source code and better explain this article is written.
Retrieving and writing into BLOB type column
This article explains ‘how to store and retrieve BLOB (Binary Large Objects) type data into BLOB data type column in database table.
Configuring web application to utilise ASP.NET Application Services database
In my article Install ASP.NET Application Services database step by step guide is provided to install ASP.NET Application Services database regard less of SQL Server version. Installing / configuring Application services database allows multiple applications to utilise the database to implement application authentication and authorization.
Populating Drop Down List Selected Item while DetailsView in Edit mode
Populating Drop down list when DetailsView is in Edit mode is explained in another article Binding Drop down list when DetailsView is in edit mode.
User friendly Tooltip using Ajax Hover Menu Extender control
Multi field validator using Enterprise Library - Validation Application block
There are number of built-in ASP.NET validation controls(RequiredFieldValidator, CompareValidator, CustomValidator and few more) exist. But there is no multi field validator. It is quite feasible to write custom validator to meet the requirement and there are third party controls available such as this one.
GridView sorting and paging using custom data method