Steve Wellens

Programming in the .Net environment

  • Why goto Still Exists in C#

    Developers, Software Engineers, and Programmers are logical, rational, reasonable people right? Sure they are…until you disagree with something they believe in. Then they can become the most enflamed, outraged, foaming-at-the-mouth, intolerant, lunatics you've ever had the pleasure of meeting.

  • Quick and Dirty Automatic Page Navigator

    Over on the Asp.Net forums, a user asked how to store an ordered list of pages in an Xml file so he could use it to control the navigation of a group of pages on his web site. It was for a 'Wizard' where the user needed to go through the pages in sequence…no jumping directly to a page. He wanted it to be easily editable.

  • Using Session State in a Web Service

    Usually, when you think of a Web Service, you think …make the call, get the response, and get on with the task at hand. These "one shot" calls are the norm in Web Services but there may be times when you need a little more. You may need the Web Service to remember states between calls.

  • IE 8 - IP Address Mapping Accelerator

    On the ASP.NET forums where I moderate, the poster's IP address is displayed at the bottom of the post. Often I am curious and paste the poster's IP address into an IP locator web page to find out where they are posting from. This was tedious.

  • IE 8 Can Profile JavaScript

    Being on the software "bleeding edge" is similar to being the "point man" in combat. I generally avoid being the first to adopt new technology until some other poor bastard has led the way…and occasionally paid a price: The price being missed deadlines, ulcers and ruined reputations. No thanks.

  • ILDasm Helpful Hack

    I do not want to learn "yet another programming language", especially a low-level one like Microsoft's Intermediate Language (IL). And yet, sometimes it's useful to look under the hood and see what in tarnation is going on. And that means knowing something about IL.