Steve Wellens
Programming in the .Net environment
Passing Strings by Ref
Humbled yet again…DOH! No matter how much experience you acquire, no matter how smart you may be, no matter how hard you study, it is impossible to keep fully up to date on all the nuances of the technology we are exposed to. There will always be gaps in our knowledge: Little 'dead zones' of uncertainty. For me, this time, it was about passing string parameters to functions. I thought I knew this stuff cold. First, a little review...
Finding Controls in a Master Page with jQuery
This question popped up on the Asp.Net forums where I moderate:
Goodbye Ajax Toolkit, Hello jQuery UI
Like most developers, I love finding tools that do my work for me and make me look good. And, like most developers, I am extremely wary of adding too much outside crap to a project which can make maintaining it a nightmare. You may end up not only maintaining your own code but someone else's code, or worse, not being able to update the project because a third-party control won't let you.
Unwanted Page Breaks in ReportViewer
I needed to create a dynamic PDF document based on user selections for a system I created this summer. Rather than use a 3rd party tool and learn a new API, I decided to try the ReportViewer control since it had the capability of exporting to PDF (and Excel).
Observable Collections
I didn't think it was possible, but .NET surprised me yet again with a cool feature I never knew existed: The ObservableCollection. This became available in .NET 3.0.
Calling Web Service Functions Asynchronously from a Web Page
Over on the Asp.Net forums where I moderate, a user had a problem calling a Web Service from a web page asynchronously. I tried his code on my machine and was able to reproduce the problem. I was able to solve his problem, but only after taking the long scenic route through some of the more perplexing nuances of Web Services and Proxies.
Visual Data Binding – Hot Dang!
Often, there are many ways to do the same thing in .Net. You can do things the hard way or the easy way. By hard, I mean you can type a lot of code by hand. By easy, I mean you can click and drag and drop. Guess which method I am going to demonstrate…go on guess…it's OK, I'm grading on a curve…
jQuery Code Does not have to be Ugly
I never pass up a chance to look at jQuery code. It’s amazing so much power can come from such a tiny package.
Serializing ArrayLists of Disparate Objects to XML Strings
In an earlier post here, I wrote two functions to Serialize and Deserialize objects to XML strings.
Automatically Generate Stored Procedures with Visual Studio
This is one of those tucked-away features in Visual Studio that, once you find it, can make you slap your forehead so hard that it hurts. Warning: You may need an aspirin after reading this.