Stephen Walther on ASP.NET MVC
ASP.NET AJAX In-Depth: Object Inheritance
The goal of the blog entry is simple: I want to understand everything happening under the covers when you take advantage of ASP.NET AJAX inheritance. So, let’s start with a simple code sample:
Two Methods of Creating JavaScript Objects: Prototype Inheritance and the Xerox Method
In this blog entry, I examine different methods of building new JavaScript objects from existing JavaScript objects. For lack of better names, I’m calling the first method the Prototype Inheritance method and the second method the Xerox method. The goal of this blog entry is discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of the two methods. At the very end of this entry, I briefly examine the approach taken by the ASP.NET AJAX framework.
ASP.NET 3.5 Unleashed Errata: Listing 31.6 and Listing 31.24
Declaring Client-Side ASP.NET AJAX Controls : Part I
I want to build “pure” client-side ASP.NET AJAX web applications and I want to get the full benefits of a declarative framework. Currently, the ASP.NET AJAX framework does not support a good method of creating declarative client-side controls. In this blog entry, I examine different strategies for implementing declarative client-side controls that target the Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX framework.
ASP.NET 3.5 Unleashed Errata: ASP.NET AJAX Authentication
Well, I guess it is too much to hope that there would not be any errors in an almost 2,000 page book. Bertrand Le Roy sent me an email pointing out a security hole in one of my code samples in ASP.NET 3.5 Unleashed. The problem is in Chapter 33, Using Client-Side ASP.NET AJAX.
Creating JavaScript Properties in ASP.NET AJAX
JavaScript (or more accurately, ECMAScript 3.0) does not support properties. JavaScript objects do not have properties in the same sense as C# or VB.NET objects have properties. That’s unfortunate, since there are benefits to C# and VB.NET properties:
JavaScript Magic Properties: Using __count__ , __proto__ , and __parent__
Two of the Mozilla implementations of the JavaScript engine, SpiderMonkey and Rhino, support a special list of magic properties. Because SpiderMonkey is the JavaScript engine used by Firefox, this means that you can use these magic properties in JavaScript code that is executed within the Firefox browser. Unfortunately, these magic properties are not supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer or Opera. There is no expectation that any browser other than a Mozilla browser will ever support these properties since the properties are not part of the ECMAScript standard that defines the JavaScript standard.