K. G. Sreeju Nair
Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes.
Geolocation in ASP.Net Core using Azure Maps
With the advancement in technologies, the world has become a global village. The people all over the world are interconnected. It is quite common that the companies publish their contents in multiple languages. With trade laws differ from country to country the developers need to make their website address the users who visit their web application by identifying the user’s country.
Integrate Amazon SNS with Asp.Net Core Application
Amazon SNS is a notification service that offer message delivery. SNS basically supports messaging between a variety of publishers and consumers. Publishers shall send notifications to Topics and Subscribers can consume the messages. Amazon SNS supports Application to Application messaging and Application to Person messaging.
In this article I am going to demonstrate the Application to Person subscription in Amazon SNS. In Application to Person messaging, SNS supports the following.
- SMS Messaging
- Mobile Push Notifications
- Email Notifications
Minimal APIs in ASP.Net 6 - A video walkthrough
On May 25, 2021, the .Net team released ASP.Net 6 Preview 4. You can see the announcement in the below URL.
Index is not an attribute class – Error while migrating from ASP.Net MVC 5 to .Net Core
Recently one of my friends was migrating a project from ASP.Net MVC 5 to ASP.Net core 3.1. One of the challenges he faced is with the Index Attribute in data annotations. The .Net Core is not recognizing the Index attribute. When he copied his class from his MVC 5 project, he got the following error message.
Add external users to Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is leading the way that allows businesses to enable modern connected workspace that enable connectivity between teams and customers. At Atyaf eSolutions (https://www.atyafesolutions.com), we adopted Microsoft Teams in the early days of its launch and now we are helping our customers to setup and practice using Microsoft Teams..
Sending Push Notifications from ASP.Net Core using Google Firebase
Recently I was engaged in a project where by the customer wanted to push messages to the mobile application from their website. For e.g. when a page is published in the website, a new product added or price changed for a product, customer wanted to send push notifications to the mobile applications in these events.
The String Interpolation ($) Special Character
While developing applications, it is quite common that you are required to produce formatted output. This is a common scenario for any developer whether you develop console application, web application or Mobile application. With C# 6 onwards Microsoft introduced a special character called interpolation operator ($) to help developers easily manipulate the string literals.
In this article, I am briefly explaining the interpolation operator with the help of couple of examples.
Let us consider the example of adding two numbers and print their sum as the output. Very simple example. The below is the old (ugly) way of doing this in C# with ASP.Net.
int a = 2, b = 3, sum = a + b;
Response.Write("The sum of " + a + " and " + b + " is " + sum);
Deploy ASP.Net core 2.2 under IIS
Use Azure PowerShell to manage your Azure Environment
Using Azure CDN to render media files
One of my customer, who was using a popular video service to render all his video files in the website was looking for alternatives. The concerns from the customer were the following