DSL - A first approach to.
This post was originally published at http://solepano.blogspot.com
This is a summary of the Martin Fowler's article on Language Workbenches: The Killer-App for Domain Specific Languages? which I have recently read and found very interesting.Terminology
Imagine you build a class library to solve some particular problem and that the objects involved are parameterizable. So, you need a first step to set up configuration and wire up composite objects before putting them to do the work.
When building this kind of class library, there is a marked distinction between the abstraction itself and the configuration. The abstraction may be reusable and less often to change, while the configuration tends to be specific, more simple, and likely to change more often.
This leads to the idea of putting the configuration out of the code, for example, in xml files or in some custom syntax file (what may be more readily). The structure of this configuration, the mapping with the objects in the abstraction, the parameters, etc, are nothing but a kind of Domain Specific Language, a very small programming language, suitable for the only purpose of solving some specific problem.
If we leave the configuration in the code, instead of moving it to a configuration file, we still have a case of DSL, a DSL embedded in the host language. So here comes the distinction between internal and external DSL.
External DSL: DSL written in a different language than the main language of an application.
Internal DSL: DSL written in the same language of the main language of an application.
Language Oriented Programming
Language oriented programming is about describing a system through multiple DSLs. It does not have to be a black or white thing; you can represent little or a lot of functionality of your system in DSLs.
Pros and Cons of Language Oriented Programming
External DSL | |
Pros | Cons |
Internal DSL | |
Pros | Cons |
Language Workbenches
Language Workbenches are complex tools that help implementing DSLs. They are based on the same model as post-IntelliJ IDEs, which consists of having four different representations of the code:
Abstract representation: In-memory representation. Helps with things like name completion and refactoring. It is the key persistent source that you manipulate (through the editable representation). It can persist incomplete or contradictory information.
Editable representation: Projection of the abstract representation in order to edit it. It does not have to be complete. There can be multiple projections, one for each aspect.
Storage representation: Serialization of the abstract representation, often as XML.
Executable representation: The CLR byte code. A code generator turns the abstract representation into the executable representation.
So, when defining a new DSL you need to:
- Define the abstract syntax, the schema of the abstract representation.
- Define an editor to let people manipulate the abstract representation through a projection.
- Define a generator to translate the abstract representation into an executable representation. In practice the generator defines the semantics of the DSL.