
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • Right Tool for the Right Job

    I used R# as a test runner tool. Nice UI (see my older posts), nicely integrated with Gallio. Just one issue - unrealistically slow when compared with a non-visual tool. And then our team member David showed us old-and-forgotten TestDriven.NET.

  • Reporting Impediments

    During the scrums we report what we did yesterday, planning to do today, and what are the impediments. Impediments sometimes tend to sound like a complaint. So what to do to prevent it become just "bitching" about things?

  • Keeping Automated Builds DRY

    This is not the first time I came back to automated builds and re-evaluate how they are done. This time, I wanted to capture several things at the same time:

  • Factory per DTO

    Today one of our team members brought up a valid question - how do I know that my SUT (system uder test) packages the primitive parameters (username and password) and sends into dependency object as a DTO. Maybe instead of packaging into DTO the primitive values it packages something else by accident. The proposed solution was a dedicated Factory per each DTO (contract and implementation). For testing purpose it was great, but from the design perspective this is an absolute no-no. Lets review what we have and what we want to have.

  • More Effective C#: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C#

    This is an interesting book to read in case your reading queue is emptyimage and you want to brush up some aspects of C# (2/3). I can't recommend this book as a general reading, as it's way too narrowed to specific subjects (or implementation of those). Saying this, I really loved the introduction into expressions and functional pieces in C#. It gives you the hint what's going on, leaving a taste of more to read.

  • "Iteration" 31

    So today is the day. I am 31 and a new iteration in my life has started. What are the features I am trying to achieve in this one? A few:

  • Recommended Reading

    I was asked a question today, what books I would recommend to read. Besides the those that I have already finished and a few that are still in pipeline, anything else that would contribute to the overall improving. The current list is: