Elvis Operator to the Rescue

Null-Conditional Operator in C# 6 (?.), also known as "Elvis" operator, has allowed compacting code by removing boilerplate code for a null check to avoid NullReferenceException. But there's more to that than just a null check. I've run into a case where Elvis operator also removed need for an extra code to implement a Decorator pattern, which resulted in removing complexity. Here's the original code implemented using Decorator pattern:

var useTransaction = ShouldUseTransaction();
using (var tx = useTransaction ?  new TransactionScopeDecorator(new TransactionScope()) : new TransactionScopeDecorator())
  // custom code

Where TransactionScopeDecorator was defined in the following way:

private class TransactionScopeDecorator : IDisposable
    private readonly TransactionScope transactionScope;
    readonly bool hasTx;

    public TransactionScopeDecorator()
        hasTx = false;

    public TransactionScopeDecorator(TransactionScope transactionScope)
        this.transactionScope = transactionScope;
        hasTx = true;

    public void Dispose()
        if (hasTx)

    public void Complete()
        if (hasTx)

While the first snippet is easy to read and understand, TransactionScopeDecorator is quite a lot to add. Elvis operator takes that away entirely.

var useTransaction = ShouldUseTransaction();
using (var tx = useTransaction ? new TransactionScope() : null)
    // custom code

There are many other handy usages for Elvis operator. What have you used it for in your projects?

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