
Today, a work of two years has manifested itself as an ordinary fact.

An old project (2 years old) had to be re-opened for new features required by client. This is a project we started when I joined the company, back when team didn’t have any TDD skills. It was group’s first attempt to use BDD, combined with Mocking using Rhino.Mocks, NHibernate, WatiN, and some other tools and libraries that previously were never used. We executed tests using ReSharper 4.1 test runner and didn’t have build script to execute them automatically (build server was the next step after the project was done). So we tagged the project as a legacy project, and placed in the legacy projects repository (the one that had all the “fragile” code).

So as I was going through the project details with the development team, I automatically called it Legacy Code. And after we were done with a quick pair-review, a developer told me “Sean, you are wrong, this is not a legacy code. I have tests to verify changes. I have confidence in what I will be doing. Therefore it is not Legacy Code.”

Call me sensitive, but it did warm my heart.

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