
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • Law of Demeter

    This post shows a good example of how to refactor your code to preserve Law of Demeter. Very clean and simple example. R# is there for the refactoring part, to make things less manual and friction free. As a reminder, Law of Demeter:

  • Enumerations And Extension Methods

    Enumerations are for enumeration. Obvious. Often, though, it's used also for some metadata knowledge. For example, an enumeration for gender might look like:

  • Moving On

    This is my goodbye post to Sunwapta, the company I spent 3 years with. Definitely, this was one of the most exciting experiences that have happened to me during my career as a software developer. People there have helped me to grow and mature, and for that I owe them my gratitude. I have learned tones. Thank you for keeping up with me and listening to all of the things I was bringing in. I hope when you run into code I had contribution to, it will bring up more of the positive thoughts and not the opposite. It is a bit sad to leave things not entirely finished, but I am more than confident that they will be done in the best way. After all, together we have done a long way and learned awesome things that not only made us better developers, but also taught that pounding in code is not everything that matters, but thinking, analyzing, constantly improving, and most of all, never settling on mediocre, always striving to better. 

  • Nokia

    This post is not sponsored by the manufacturer. Neither do I get dividends from the sales. This is pure lips service to a great product line I've used for years.

  • OSS with MS

    This is definitely interesting turn of things. Rather than come with it's own exact copy of an existing product, MS will provide an OSS product as a part of a bundle. I wonder if there are more interesting and welcomed surprises coming from this direction.

  • VMWare Workstation 6.5 - Unity Feature

    VMWare has released the 6.5 version with some nice updates (better USB support, Bluetooth support, DirectX support, and last but not the least - Unity feature. What it allows is to run the application from virtual machine in the host as those would be applications running on the host itself - sweet. So now if you need to work on several programs from several virtual machines, you can execute all of them with Unity (in Unity mode) and switching programs/windows would be just a matter of tabbing between those (ALT-Tab) and not a bunch of keystrokes and guest OS get focus / loose focus. Really love this feature.

  • Team Work

    "I am a team player" - another buzz expression of this days that anyone will bring up if are asked. "Why are you team player?" this is the question to ask and answer.

  • WPF Visual / Logical Tree(s)

    Coming from the ASP.NET development, I am quit used to the fact that a page has a tree of controls and by traversing the tree you can navigate to the elements.

  • Google Chrome

    This is old news, but Google apparently has release a browser to speed things up (according to Google most of the current browsers are not performing well with CSS, JavaScript, and whole rendering). From a scratch approach worked not bad at all. Though there are several things that are working against this new browser: