
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • Automate or Not

    When system is built, no one wants to baby sit after its up and running. Therefore, there is a strong desire to automate everything, including error handling. But sometimes automation is not suitable for every error, and here is a good example.

  • CSPACK.EXE - Careful with Defaults

    When packaging Windows Azure solution from within Visual Studio .NET 2010, CSPACK is generating cspackproperties file behind the scenes, defaulting to .NET 3.5 Framework. I missed that part when going over the documentation and had to go through the worker role that can’t starts and no error is logged, since worker never loads. Gladly, solution is trivial and so old that is probably long time forgotten by the Azure veterans. But for newbies like myself, don’t dismiss old material, even if it’s from 2010.  Nothing New Under the Sky…

  • Backbone.js, NServiceBus, and Cloud Hosting

    In the past I have always created on premises solutions for web applications that have mostly based on the server side code responsible for front UI and backend code, with a little to none client side code (usually called “scripting” with intention that it is not really a code), predominant validation on the server side with some duplication on the client. Technology of choice was ASP.NET MVC. When choice was not mine, sometime it would be ASP.NET WebForms. Services would be created using WCF, without auto-generated proxies.

  • A(B+C)=AB+AC

    Sometimes very basic things are so rooted in our heads that we often forget how to explain those basics to others. So was in my case when I needed to prove my son that A(B+C) is AB+AC and not just AB+C as he originally thought. To my surprise, I couldn’t think of a way to visualize it and explain. Wait a second, if you can’t explain something you supposedly know, then you don’t really know it well… Gladly, a friend of mine remind me the way to prove it. Why am I sharing this incident? Because a lot of times we assume we know something, till we actually need to explain it to others, and that’s where our knowledge is truly tested. This is something that is greatly exposed in pair-programming. And maybe that’s the reason so many avoid it with every possible excuse out there. Just saying…

  • NServiceBus Gotcha - NServiceBus.Host.exe Can’t Locate IConfigureThisEndpoint

    Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: No endpoint onfiguration found in scanned assemblies. This usual ly happens when NServiceBus fails to load your assembly contaning IConfigureThisEndpoint. Try specifying the type explicitly in the NServiceBus.Host.exe.config using the appsetting key: EndpointConfigurationTypeScanned path: C:\SearchFeedingService\
       at NServiceBus.Host.Program.ValidateEndpoints(IEnumerable`1 endpointConfigurationTypes)
       at NServiceBus.Host.Program.GetEndpointConfigurationType()
       at NServiceBus.Host.Program.Main(String[] args)

  • Keymaps For R# Plugin

    If you are starting with R# (which you should definitely consider in case you are a professional .NET developer and not use an alternative), this plugin might be helpful to start with all the shortcuts.