Robert McLaws: FunWithCoding.NET

Public Shared Function BrainDump(ByVal dotNet As String) As [Value]

  • New CSverter build (50301) - Fixes for Single Blogs

    Lots of people have been having problems getting CSverter to work for single blog configurations. With the help of a couple people, I figured out why, and have coded a fix for it. This version also fixes some problems with the web service, and has cleaner logging. The logging and UI status updates are very complex, and are still undergoing refinement.

  • Server Control Talk Recap

    <NoteToSelf> Next time, remember the cord to the external drive that has the VPC image of the demos.</NoteToSelf>

  • Firefox NOT Most Secure Browser Ever

    A new vulnerability was announced for all Mozilla-based browsers. Apparently they are vulnerable to phishing attacks just like everyone else. Looks like the rose-colored glasses are coming off. Source: Neowin

  • Arrived in SanFran - Ready for VSLive

    Just got into town. I'm staying at the Hotel Palomar with the rest of the speakers, and it should be a grand old time. I don't have pictures yet, but will post soon. If you wanna get a hold of me, my cell is 480-580-2726. I won't have it for a couple hours while it's charging, but leave me a message and we'll hook up.

  • .NET Framework / Visual Studio Fixes Coming Next Week

    According to, 13 patches for Microsoft products are being released on February 8th. One fixes a "critical" flaw in Visual Studio and Office, and one is for an "important" vulnerability in the .NET Framework. I don't have any details on what these flaws are, but I guess we'll have to find out on Tuesday.

  • Google Video Search

    Have you seen Google's new Video Search? I heard about it the other day, so having just finished this week's episode of 24, I decided to try it out. Pretty cool, but I want video playback, not transcripts. I can see how this would be helpful though. It could be huge for students and research if it could index local newscasts as well. I wonder how they index the video, anyways... voice recognition? Hmm...

  • 'rel="nofollow"' WILL NOT Stop Comment Spam

    I've seen a lot of posts in the last 24 hours about Google's new rel="nofollow" attribute on hyperlinks. Both Neowin and Google claim that this method will stop comment spam. I cannot stress enough that this viewpoint is absolutely incorrect. An attribute will not stop comment spammers at all. The only thing that the attribute does is stop the Google indexer from adding google-juice to the link. That's it. The link is still there for the users on the site itself, and if you run a .Text blog, you'll still get bombarded with e-mails every time a new comment is posted.