Pin My Friends Application (using Google Maps and Facebook APIs) – Part 2: Displaying the friends list

This part will handle the displaying of the user’s friends:

  • T.4 – Grab the current user’s friends and display them in a list (no fancy paging just a dumb scrollable list)
  • T.5 – Upgrade the above list by displaying the friend location

T.4 – Grab the current user’s friends and display them in a list (no fancy paging just a dumb scrollable list)

  1. The friend profile will look very similar to the user profile and because there will be a lot of friends to show the best way to avoid messy code is to use a template engine. Because jQuery Templates are discontinued and soon to be replaced by jsRender the former will be used. Create a partial view called _FriendsList in the Views\Shared folder:
    <script src=""></script>
    <script id="friendTemplate" type="text/html">
            <a href="{{=profile}}" target="_blank">
                <img class="left profilePicture" src="{{=picture}}"  alt="Friend picture" title="{{=name}}" />
                <div class="left">
                    <div class="profileName">
                         {{=name}} ({{=gender}})
    <div id="friendsList">

    The jsRender script is referenced directly from the github repository. The template is not so different from a jQuery Template version.

  2. Render the partial in the _Layout.cshtml view: Just drop @Html.Partial(MVC.Shared.Views._FriendsList) after @RenderBody().
  3. Add some styles in Site.css:
    /*Friends styling*/
        position: absolute;
        left: 5px;
        top: 5px;
        z-index: 500;
        background-color: transparent;
        display: none;
        height: 90%;
        width: 500px;
        overflow: auto;
    #friendsList ul
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
    #friendsList li
        margin: 0;
    #friendsList a
        display: block;
        margin: 10px;
        text-decoration: none;
        background-color: rgba(98,122,172,0.5);
        border-radius: 10px;
        height: 64px;
    #friendsList a:hover
        background-color: rgba(51, 102, 153, 0.5);
  4. Add code in the facebook.js script file to get the friends from Facebook and render the friendTemplate:
    function displayFriendsList() {
        FB.api('/me/friends', { fields: 'name,id,gender' }, function (response) {
            if (!response || response.error) {
                //TODO: Display a proper error message
                alert('An Error Occurred');
            else {
                var friends = $.map(, function (friend) {
                    return {
                        'picture': '' + + '/picture',
                        'profile': '' +,
                        'gender': friend.gender == 'male' ? 'M' : (friend.gender == 'female' ? 'F' : 'N/A')
                var friendsList = $('<ul></ul>');
    function clearFriendsLocation() {

    The idea is very simple: Make a call to the Graph API asking the friends of the current user and also limit the fields to: id, name and gender (actually is not limiting  but extending because by default only id and name are returned). If everything is ok a new JSON object is returned and passed to the render function. A call to these two methods must be added in the showFacebookProfile and hideFacebookProfile functions.

  5. The result:

    Figure 2-1. Clicking on a friend in the list will open the Facebook profile

T.5 - Upgrade the above list by displaying the friend location

  1. Getting the location (from the current user or for a friend) requires additional permissions from the current user (user_location and friends_location). First step is to modify the Facebook application to require the permissions:

    Figure 2-2. Edit the Pin My Friends application and go to Settings\Auth Dialog

  2. Modify the FB.login call to include the scope parameter:
    //user is not connected to your app or logged out
    loginText.html('Login with Facebook');
    loginButton.bind('click', function () {
        FB.login(function (response) {
            if (response.authResponse) {
        { scope: 'user_location,friends_location' });
  3. Modify the displayFriendsList function to request and show each friend location (also add addition code to the template):
    function displayFriendsList() {
        FB.api('/me/friends', { fields: 'id,name,gender,location' }, function (response) {
            if (!response || response.error) {
                //TODO: Display a proper error message
                alert('An Error Occurred');
            else {
                var friends = $.map(, function (friend) {
                    var location;
                    if (!friend.location || == '') {
                        location = 'Location N/A'
                    else {
                        location =;
                    return {
                        'picture': '' + + '/picture',
                        'profile': '' +,
                        'gender': friend.gender == 'male' ? 'M' : (friend.gender == 'female' ? 'F' : 'N/A'),
                        'location': location
                var friendsList = $('<ul></ul>');
  4. The result:

    Figure 2-3. Friends list with location




Download Part 2 Code

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