Paul Wilson's .NET Blog

Ramblings from the Creator of

  • Speaking at the Atlanta C# User's Group on March 6

    This month, Paul Wilson will be presenting an Introduction to O/R Mapping. He will cover the concepts and rationale behind O/R Mapping, as well as showing a few examples of the technique in action. Paul is a subject matter expert on this topic - his own product ( is one of the more popular .NET O/R Mapper tools on the market today. Paul is also donating a full one-year subscription to Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite with MSDN Premium to one lucky raffle winner (a $10,939  value)!

    For more information on this month's meeting, please visit our website at:

  • Visited Atlanta User Group with Jeffrey Richter

    They said I would never do it -- but I made it to my second user group meeting in the same year -- and in the same month at that!  And this was a great one since we had Jeffrey Richter visit us and talk about threading and reliability.  For those that don't know who Jeffrey is, suffice it to say that he designed some of the APIs in .NET that he discussed!  I've read a few things about how .NET v2.0 was hardened to support hosts like Sql Server, but this was way deeper -- and Jeffrey even made it entertaining.  We also got to see some of the APIs available to us so that we can also write reliable code -- SafeHandles and Constrained Execution Regions (CERs).

    I also got to see all my buds from Roche again, as well as Kirk and Marcie (AKA GridViewGirl, formerly known as DataGridGirl), and Andrew (who doesn't live anywhere near Atlanta).  Of course all the usual suspects were there too (sorry I can't name everyone), but I also thought it was telling that the room was nowhere near full.  Sure it was more than half-full, maybe even two-thirds full, but it was not full -- and they were expecting a full house and even required pre-registration.  Are there really this few .NET "experts" in this very large city?  Many of us say its a small town because we've ran into each other many times over the years -- is this proof of this?

    By the way, I'm going to be at my third, yes third, user group in another two weeks!  That's right, if you're interested in learning something about O/R Mapping then come out to the C# User's Group on March 6.

  • Random Thought on Communication Skills

    This makes the 2nd time recently, from 2 different people, that I've seen the following:

    Must have good communication skills.
    Kindly revert as soon as possible.
    Is it just me, or does it seem like an oxymoron that they want what they themselves lack?

  • Atlanta C# Users Group -- I Made It Tonight !

    I made it to the Atlanta C# User's Group tonight -- yeah !  I met up with several former colleagues that were the best in every way:  Jerry Dennany, Yang Cao, Andrey Lifshiz, and Clark Allen.  I also got to meet Greg Young, who spoke on creational design patterns, and who I've been talking with sometimes in the virtual world.  The other presentation, by Mitch Harpur, was about custom configuration sections in .NET v2.0.  Both presentations were very good -- I hope mine next month on O/R Mapping won't be a let down since its definitely "basic" -- and yet I still find most people don't know anything about it.  I also saw many others, including Michael Earls and Keith Rome, but I spent far too much time with my other buddies to make it around to everyone else.

  • WilsonORMapper and ObjectDataSource

    As Scott Guthrie, Mr. ASP.NET himself, noted recently, two users of my ORMapper have put together some articles that can help if you intend to use ASP.NET v2.0's new ObjectDataSource control:

    Scott also mentions some other great tools, and he's been posting tons of other great ASP.NET information and samples -- so go right now and subscribe quickly if you haven't already done so.

  • ASP.NET Forums Really Suck in FireFox

    Has anyone else noticed (complained) about the current ASP.NET forums, ever since they upgraded their version of Community Server ?  I've basically stopped visiting them since they take so long to load in FireFox, even when coming back to a page in another tab that's already been loaded.  The next page links also seem to take 2 clicks for some reason (they don't in IE) -- and I don't know what else is broke since I just can't bring myself to visit them anymore.  Sure I could use IE, but I like FireFox and it is what I have up and running, and I've never seen any other site that responds so poorly like this.  I also can't say I really like the updated "look" all the much period, and even in IE its obviously slower than it ever used to be.