Atlanta Cutting Edge .NET User Group on Nov. 6
I'm going to be presenting on Custom Providers in ASP.NET at the November 6th meeting of the Atlanta Cutting Edge .NET User Group. This is pretty much a repeat of my session at the 2006 Atlanta Code Camp, but I keep getting lots of requests for it. The primary goal is to introduce ASP.NET custom providers and discuss why you should care about them. Of course we will also examine several sample custom providers as time allows. Hopefully in a few months, at a future meeting, I will be able to dig deeper into a specific provider, probably the "Health Monitoring" provider for logging and diagnostics. But for now, come out and learn about custom providers, and maybe win a full one-year subscription to Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite with MSDN Premium, a $10,939 value being donated by me and Mimsware.