Paul Wilson's .NET Blog
Ramblings from the Creator of
Finishing my own Basement
My basement consists of our drive-under two-car garage and originally two unfinished room locations. I finished the first room as our kid's playroom in January of 2001, and then I finished the second room as my wife's craft/sewing room in January 2002. Last year we worked outside to install a patio under the deck, and then finished with a pond in the spring. Anyhow, my point that I'm getting to is that I never did do anything for a ceiling in the two rooms when I created them. I don't really know why, other than the fact that I had never messed with the drop-down suspended ceilings before. I didn't have those same reservations about building walls and installing wiring, since I had helped my Dad and others many times with similar tasks over the years. But drop-down ceilings just seemed weird to me, and all the books and stuff have barely a page or two about doing it yourself. Well, we really needed to do these ceilings, especially since we may try to sell our house and get a bigger one in the next year or two, so I committed to doing it this month. As it turns out, one of my friends had recently done a drop-down ceiling in his basement, and he gave me a day of his help last weekend as my Christmas present. It turned out to be really easy -- just careful measuring and other routine tasks. We probably could have done both rooms, but I didn't want to ask my friend for too much when we could better spend his time drinking and watching movies. So yesterday I did the second room's drop-down ceiling by myself, which was just a wonderful couple of hours. What does this have to do with .NET -- nothing really, but I'll make something up if you insist. I put off my building my own O/R mapper for similar reasons, that being that it was just something I hadn't done before. But in the end, as long as you have all the basics down, sometimes it is relatively easy to just do things yourself. You get the pleasure of doing it, learn something in the process, potentially save lots of money, and end up with something customized just for you, instead of something costly that someone else did that may have somewhat better quality but isn't really exactly to your liking.
O/R Mappers: Simple Database Features ?
I'm going to get grilled for saying this, but I don't see why most O/R mappers leave out some very simple database things. Note that I'm not saying I have everything down, nor do I really have any of the more complex things that some will need. What I'm saying is that there are some things that everybody wants and are very simple that are often left out of O/R mappers.
O/R Mappers: Base Class or Not ?
One of the main criticisms I've seen of most O/R mappers is that they typically require you to have your entity objects inherit from a base class provided by the mapping framework. This can be a headache if you have your own class framework, and it can also contribute to other problems if you aren't careful. I started out to also require a base class, since it does make things easier for the mapping framework, but I noticed that Microsoft does not have this restriction in ObjectSpaces.
O/R Mappers: To Attribute or Xml ?
I learned a lot while I was creating my own O/R Mapper, so I thought a few lessons learned would be good to blog. I'll be adding a few of these over the next couple of days, so stay tuned for some other interesting observations.
Announcing the WilsonORMapper
Take a look at for the latest on the WilsonORMapper!
Timezone Bug in Visual SourceSafe
I checked in a file to Visual SourceSafe at 3:49pm. My colleague applied a label to our files at 4:29pm. Now wouldn't you think that my changes would be included in the label. Well, you would be wrong if you think that VSS works in the obvious way. I work in Atlanta using EST and my colleague was working in Mineapolis using CST. Apparently VSS is totally clueless about timezones, and it does not use GMT internally. Instead, it recorded my check-in at 3:49pm, and my colleague's label at 3:29pm, which was his local time. That's right, even though my changes occurred before his label, his label was recorded before my changes! I checked the contents of the labeled file just to make sure it was not a discrepancy of history being displayed, and it was not. The labeled file clearly did not contain my changes that were checked in prior to the label. Now I have to tell my team of consultants to always set their local PC time to EST before working with VSS!
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) and Tracing
I've been interested in Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) for some time now, but I hadn't actually experimented with it myself until recently. That's not totally true, since most O/R mappers use AOP in their implementation, but I've only been a consumer of AOP in those cases. For my own experiment, I decided to dig up an old MSDN article by Dharma Shukla, Simon Fell, and Chris Sells that used AOP for tracing. By just decorating your class with an attribute, their code automatically adds tracing when you enter each method (with all your parameters included) and when you leave each method (with the return value included). I modified it a little in my experiment to make explicit tracing calls much easier, and I also added a config switch to disable or enable the actual tracing output. You could similarly modify it to output the trace to different “listeners”, or even add severity levels, but I'm just experimenting so I haven't done that yet. This is all really cool stuff, especially since its so much easier to actually consume than other tracing methods like Log4Net, the Exception Management Application Block, or custom Trace Listeners. By the way, that last one is an excellent article written by my good friend Jerry Dennany, who has an occassional clue here on these weblogs too. Anyhow, my question to my few readers out there is how much does this context-bound call interception technique affect performance when you compare it to the other more traditional methods? Also, are there any other things to worry about with these techniques, whether it be for tracing, persistence, security, or something entirely different? And finally, what other uses have you dreamed up, or just heard about, for AOP, and what has been your experience using AOP for such things?
Cool Web Debugging Tools
I don't usually repeat what others are saying, but these web debugging tools posted by Jon Galloway are awesome. I've used ieHttpHeaders for quite a while, but the FullSource tool is new to me -- and its just incredible in what it does. By the way, all web developers should at least have a fair idea of what's going on under the covers with the http protocol. I used to send raw http commands using telnet, but ieHttpHeaders makes it trivial to see everything that is involved with a request. Similarly, if you've ever used javascript to dynamically create your tables then you know its a pain to debug, and FullSource is what you've been needing.
Force ASP.NET Apps to Keep-Alive and Pre-Compile
Larry Silverman has taken my Keep-Alive / Pre-Compile code for ASP.NET and extended it a fair amount. I still get a lot of email about my version, so I thought I would share Larry's code for those interested. Larry's version works with Forms Authentication, solving one of the problems I left undone. It does require a super-user manually kick off the process, but that seems to be a fair tradeoff. He's also separated the keep-alive functionality from the pre-compilation, and added a base page class for pre-compilation to avoid real functionality. There's also an email sent about success or failure, along with the exceptions that occurred. So if you liked my keep-alive and pre-compile code, but need more, then this may be what you were looking for.
Force ASP.NET Apps to Keep-Alive
The following code from Larry Silverman is an extension of my Keep-Alive / Pre-Compile code: