Welcome Jerry Dennany to WebLogs
One of my colleagues, Jerry Dennany, has finally got a blog here -- and it should be a good one. Don't believe him for a minute when he describes himself as a "software configuration manager / release engineer". That may be his title here at Roche, but Jerry is actually one of the smartest "developers" I know period, .NET or otherwise, even though he claims to not be a developer. He has been one of the main guys on "my" team that answers my questions -- not the other way around! Remoting, garbage collection, MSIL (or CIL), COM+ configuration, network admin -- this guy is your .NET and overall Microsoft internals resource guy! I've been very fortunate to have worked with him for the past couple of years, and I know he will have some great posts here on some of the internals of .NET and other things Microsoft (or even Linux if we let him). I see he's already correcting Microsoft's Suzanne Cook, from the CLR team, in his blog -- and he's right of course. Also, check out his article on CodeProject on "TraceListeners and Reflection" -- definitely a very good read on tracing.