VB.NET v2.0: Generics are Supported in VB Also
Rob Chartier has created a really nice article titled Introducing .NET Generics. Unfortunately, all of the sample code was written using C# -- just like every sneak peek on generics so far. However, VB.NET will also fully support generics in .NET v2.0 (Whidbey), although not much has been stated about this. Take a look at my VB.NET translations here -- you'll note that Of is the VB keyword used for generics, instead of using the <> syntax of C#.
Given Rob's C# first generic type:
public class Col<T> {
T t;
public T Val {
get {
return t;
set {
t = value;
Here's the equivalent VB generic type:
Public Class Col(Of T)
Dim _t As T
Public Property Val() As T
Return _t
End Get
Set(ByVal value As T)
_t = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Given Rob's C# first generic usage:
Col<string> mystring = new Col<string>();
Here's the equivalent VB generic usage:
Dim mystring As New Col(Of String)
Rob has a C# generic method also:
public static T[] CreateArray<T>(int size) {
return new T[size];
And here's the equivalent VB again:
Public Shared Function CreateArray(Of T)(ByVal size As Integer) As T()
Dim _t(size) As T
Return _t
End Function
It looks like VB.NET also allows constraints on generics, although I haven't tested this yet. I personally prefer C#, but I find many potential customers are interested in VB.NET, including my current employer. So far C# is getting the headlines in v2.0, but it looks like VB.NET is doing just fine too. By the way, the System.Collections.Generics namespace is full of pre-built generic collections, like Dictionary, List, Queue, Stack, and many others too.