Observations on my Google Search Rankings
I've watched several others, usually with less common names, note their high rankings in Google, but I usually didn't stand out unless you included “ASP.NET“ in your search. Until now -- a search on “Paul Wilson” on Google returns my blog as #5-6 now, as well as listing my WilsonDotNet.com site as #6-7 -- pretty good for a common name like “Paul Wilson”. Also, a search on “Wilson Blog” lists my blog as the #3-4, and a search on “Wilson .NET” (without the full “ASP.NET“) finally ranks me as #1 -- even ahead of Brad Wilson, aka DotNetGuy! The funny thing is that I have not been ranking quite as high lately on more specific searches, like page templates, master pages, and multiple forms, where I used to rank as high as #1. Another observation is that I don't see my articles on ASPAlliance.com show up as high in the searches anymore -- anyone else noticing poor rankings for their ASPAlliance articles? Finally, even though I've never really figured out what to do with MicrosoftArchitect.com, I also now have MasterPage.net, in honor of the upcoming ASP.NET v2.0 Master Pages.