Thanks to Contributors of WilsonORMapper v2.2
I want to give a very special thanks to several of my subscribers for their contributions to the just released WilsonORMapper Version 2.2:
1) Paul Hatcher added support for embedded user-defined objects, which helps address some of the 1-1 concerns that have been raised -- see the demo for a working example. Paul also made some changes to the ObjectHolder, including adding a new Key property.
2) Gerrod Thomas provided some valuable assistance in resolving several bugs with persisted children not showing up immediately, as well as helping to get auto keys to work for other data types.
3) Oakleaf Enterprises updated their OPath expression parser, including support for IIF.
4) Jim Daugherty and Mike Robin both sent some code that enables some additional inheritance scenarios.
5) Mike Mayer made some changes to the ORHelper to get it to work with MySql using OleDb.
6) David D'Amico improved his default nulls with the DefaultEmptyString in the Helper.
By the way, even though ObjectSpaces has now been delayed even further, I suppose I can say that my WilsonORMapper has more documentation and examples than any other since many of those ObjectSpaces articles still apply to my O/R Mapper. :)
Thanks to everyone, Paul Wilson