MSBuild Community Tasks Project releases version v1.0.0.29


The MSBuild Community Tasks Project releases version v1.0.0.29. The following is a list of tasks.

Current Community Tasks

Task Description
AssemblyInfo Generates an AssemblyInfo file using the attributes given.
FtpUpload Uploads a file using File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
Mail Sends an email message.
Math.Add Add numbers.
Math.Divide Divide numbers.
Math.Multiple Multiple numbers.
Math.Subtract Subtract numbers.
NDoc Runs NDoc V1.3.1 to create documentation.
NUnit Runs tests using the NUnit V2.2 framework.
RegistryRead Reads a value from the Registry.
RegistryWrite Writes a value to the Registry.
SvnCheckout Checkout files from Subversion
SvnClient Subversion Client
SvnCommit Commit files to Subversion
SvnExport Export files from Subversion
SvnUpdate Update files from Subversion
SvnVersion Get Subversion revision number of a local copy
Unzip Unzip a file to a target directory.
Version Increments a four-part version number stored in a text file
XmlRead Reads a value from a XML document using a XPath.
XmlWrite Updates a XML document using a XPath.
Zip Create a zip file with the files specified.

Join Project

Please join the MSBuild Community Tasks Project and help contribute in building the tasks.

Get The Source

You can get a local copy of the repository for MSBuild Community Tasks via Subversion. The following command will do the trick:

svn checkout

Download The Latest

The latest binaries, source and installer for Windows can be found in this directory of the Tigris file-sharing area.

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