CSS Stuff

Pretty cool site for setting up three column pages in CSS.  I'm going to be doing some code-review on our companies site, and one of the things I'll probably look into doing is weening us from a table based layout too a full CSS layout.  I used this templating tool that I found via Fabrice's tool list.  For the simple layout stuff I do, it has worked great for me.

Also, Brad points out that the Eric Meyer's CSS Support Chart are back online  curtesy of Netscape.  A little out of date, but still a great resource.

And for more fun, Mark talked about CSS hacks and the latest build of Safari.

I hate using CSS hacks, it is almost impossible to do layouts that are simple from my table-layout background without using some soft of goofy hack.

I would hate to be a vendor for web controls, because it seems it would be a non-stop job creating CSS hacks to make sure your control renders fine as new browsers come out with their own idiosyncrasies.  I don't know if CSS is stupid, or I'm expecting CSS to work like the table layout "hack" I'm so used to.

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