SQL Server System Table Map
Pretty old stuff, but my partners in crime is teach SQL Server Admin this week, and it reminded me that I wanted to post a link to the Sql Server System Table Map. It's in chm format, so it's pretty easy to navigate with pretty pictures of all the tables and how they are related. Granted, you should always use the system procedures or information_schema_views, but sometimes you just need to go gonzo and dig into those system tables.
Of course the poster is great, but those are hard to come by online (anyone have a link btw).
Oh, and just a reminder. Sign up for the .NET NCAA tournament challenge. It's easy to do and I have Louisville winning it all, so it's not like this thing is going to be too difficult to win. Sign up details are here: http://dotnetweblogs.com/pscott/posts/3901.aspx. Tell your coworkers! Pick IUPUI to go all the way because it's fun to say "ooooh-eee-poooyeee."
Bonus link:
Around 6 p.m. PT on Thursday, the Sports Gal will come home and ask the Sports Guy how he spent his day. He will reply, "I watched games." Then she'll ask how he plans to spend the evening, and he'll reply, "Um, watching games."