Jason Bock
Stumbled upon Jason Bock's weblog today via my traceback / postback chumpy. Jason wrote the excellent CIL Programming "Under the Hood of .NET". This book is from APress, which while I feel they might need to get on the ball updating some of my favorite beta 2 books, still have perhaps one of the most talented group of authors working for them. One Apress title I'm looking forward to is .NET Game Programming with DirectX. Game programming isn't something I ever got to big into, and maybe this will help me push myself towards that.
Speaking of graphic stuff, I picked up the Creative Labs Digital VCR. Hardware works great, software is terrible. It is designed to work like a VCR, so it also suffers from the same limitations of VCRs. I can only give channels a freakin' 8 character title for example. My main gripe is that it doesn't integrate with any service to automatically have a channel guide like Tivo or as I understand the ATI media center does. I mean, if you are going to put the TV on the computer, take advantage of the computer. Otherwise I would have just bought a VCR!
So my question to you guys, could I write my own software to do this, and how difficult would it be? Or is there any third party software that might also fit the bill? All I really want to do is record The Simpsons and Futurama when they come on during the day.