Hooray for School!
Finally got into the 70-300 exam after a week of teaching SQL. Pretty interesting exam. The case studies weren't your typical "you are developing an n-tier accounting system..." types stuff. A little new app development, extending an app, and replacing AS/400. Three case studies and I was out. I felt pretty good about most of my answers. Had one question about ORM that I had to reach into the cellars of my brain from the MSDN video on it. Overall, I haven't the foggiest of ideas on how to tell someone to prepare for that exam besides "work with a lot of .NET."
If you are curious, XML Web Services never came up beside as an incorrect solution to a question. Of course, the next person in the test probably had to design an XML Webservice like MapPoint.NET or something :).
Oh well, now onto passing some Admin exams. I really get a kick out taking these exams. And with the economy being, well, craptacular, classes get canceled and suddenly I have a week to learn new stuff. I seems Microsoft recently posted beta materials for learning Windows Server 2003....
Phil Scott MCSD, MCHammer, TitleBitch. Oh speaking of which, check out the referals from me for this post: http://dotnetweblogs.com/pscott/posts/2894.aspx. I'm the #1 result for ""i don't got time for pain. the only pain i got time for is the pain i put on fools who don't know what time it is" on google. Whooo!