identical two-phase commit in a mental state of complete tedium

On the Path to XML Hell [via].  Hey, I feel this guy's pain.  I'm teaching courses 1013 (Mastering VB6) and 1017 (Mastering Inder-freakin'-dev 6) in the next few months.  At which point I will be faced with chapters talking about how DHTML Scriptlets are the solution to everything, how COM will last forever and ADO is the most usefull technology for accessing databases. 

Anyways, I'll assume he's talking about InfoPath when he's talking about the "Secret."  InfoPath seems pretty cool to me.  People bitch and moan about Microsoft not inovating enough to make it worth upgrading to Office XP (or even 2000), and now when they add what looks like a pretty sharp product they rag on them for "forcing XML down people's throats".  Sure the Microsoft marketting people go a little overboard sometimes, but that doesn't discount from a neat-o product.  It's not like they called it XML Infopath .NET XP.

But I what the hell is up with this sentence: "Has our industry ceased to involve creativity, and is it concentrating instead on simple nuts and bolts and teams of beavering clerks setting up identical two-phase commit in a mental state of complete tedium?"  That sentance ranks at least an 82 on the UCR.

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