A Little Video Fun for a Friday Afternoon


Iced over bridge in Nashville.  Hilarity insues.  [via Fark of course]

Question:  What stops a car.
Answer:  Not brakes.  It's friction. 

Living in Kentucky, 4WD pretty much means four wheels in a ditch.  Our last snow ice storm I saw only one wreck (out of 10+) that was not caused by an SUV.  Granted, not too many cars out that day either.  I've got nothing against SUVs or their owners, but it does seem quite a few of them skipped physics class for the F = Ma day of class.  Great for getting out of nasty spots, but a lot of drivers down here think for some reason think that they have magical breaks or something.  Seeing that land rover sliding across the bridge reminded me of that.

Oh,  and that poor BMW in that video.  I hate to be a yuppie, but that's the car I almost bought.  But the one with AWD :)  RWD = the devil in ice.  Oh, and check out the Volvo.  Pretty good recovery I think...Well, compared to his cohorts...

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