Friday Fun
Three day weekend coming up, and I've stocked up on the video games :-). Not really, but it does seem I've purchased quite a few games in the recent weeks. I've been pretty into Madden 2004. It has a new feature called owner mode where you have almost compelte control over a team. Sell the naming rights, upgrade the stadium, set the cost on the beer. All kinds of stuff. Make enough money to bring in the big name coaches and training staffs, fill up the roster with studs and play away. A true football geek heaven. I know people who have bought the game and have yet to actually play an actual football game. They are just simulating the game out. Crazy.
The other gmae of choice has been Soul Caliber II. I had the orginal on Dreamcast, and this game is just as good. I have a case of good ol' fashion Nintendo thumb from hours of button mashing. Very fluid weapons based fighting game.