What came next? Flamethrowers, of course
A couple weeks ago I thought I had a novel idea with spam poetry. Zero comments and zero referrals later, I felt like an idiot. But I noticed a couple of people finding me by searching for "What came next? Flamethrowers, of course." Not knowing why someone would be searching "flamethrowers of course," I hit up google. I found not only my spam poetry post as the source, but also uncovered The Register's Spam Poetry Contest. The first article from The Register was written two days after mine bringing up a contest for Spam Poetry. The coincidence doesn't end there, by god. Their follow up article from a couple of days ago ended with "What came next? Flamethrowers, of course."
Now, I'm not seeking fame or fortune and the ladies that come with it, but Lester Haines, if I inspired you a little props would give me a nice little ego boost. And maybe one of those t-shirts you mentioned for the winner :)