More Ego Stroking Google Searches

Follow Adam's lead, here are some of the searches the frequently drop people at my site according to my referal log:

I'm sure there are more, but I've already spread far too much information to provide myself with much more google juice.  My most common hits are for people misspelling things.  I am a terrible speller and even worse of a proof reader, so this results in tons of hits for things like StickeyKeys (note the extra e in sticky).  Good times.

While I was at this, I did a quick check and have noticed I've sky rocketed to #2 in Google for Phil Scott, which is nice.  I'm still getting beat out by the infamous Dr. Phil Scott from Ottawa, but one day with any luck that spot will be all mine.  I can't even find my other site on the list when it comes to Phil Scott.  Make this will help:  Phil Scott.  (note: that site is mostly my friends trying to coordinate drinking plans for the weekend and complaining about each other's spelling, so don't expect much).

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