Matthew Podwysocki's Blog
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Introduction to the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript – New Release and Joins
This past week there was a new release of the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript which includes many of the changes I’ve been talking about lately including the third-party library integration, aggregates which I covered in the previous posts, and joins which is the subject of today’s post.
Introduction to the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript – Aggregation Part 2
So far we’ve come a long way in this series on the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript, starting with some of the basics, and then going deeper with composition with such things as the Bing Maps and Twitter Mashup, Drag and Drop, asynchronous programming among others. In the previous post, we talked about separating our concerns between the base functionality, DOM events and third-party library integration. This time, let’s follow onto our last post which started talking about the Aggregates library of the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript
Introduction to the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript – Aggregation Part 1
So far we’ve come a long way in this series on the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript, starting with some of the basics, and then going deeper with composition with such things as the Bing Maps and Twitter Mashup, Drag and Drop, asynchronous programming among others. In the previous post, we talked about separating our concerns between the base functionality, DOM events and third-party library integration. This time, let’s look at another separation which comes in the form of aggregates.
Introduction to the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript – A Separation of Concerns
So far we’ve come a long way in this series, starting with some of the basics, and then going deeper with composition with such things as the Bing Maps and Twitter Mashup, Drag and Drop, asynchronous programming among others. In the previous post, we covered a bit about jQuery AJAX integration into the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript. This time, we’re going to step back just a little bit to talk about de-cluttering the libraries and separating our concerns.
Introduction to the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript – Extending jQuery AJAX
So far we’ve come a long way in this series, starting with some of the basics, and then going deeper with composition with such things as the Bing Maps and Twitter Mashup, Drag and Drop, asynchronous programming among others.
Time Flies Like An Arrow in F# and the Reactive Extensions for .NET
In the past week, I had the pleasure of speaking on Reactive Programming in F# with Brian McNamara at a conference out in Seattle. The point of this talk was to cover the what and why of using F# in reactive programming on both the client and the server and showed quite a few examples. One of the samples Brian alluded to, the “Time Flies Like An Arrow” example, which is an example of having a stream of text, each character delayed behind the previous, follow the mouse around the screen. Brian’s version used a combination of both the asynchronous workflows which are a standard part of F#, as well as first class events/observables. For my version, I’m going to strictly use F# first class events and the integration with the Reactive Extensions for .NET to show you how it can be done.
Introduction to the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript – jQuery Live Event Integration
So far we’ve come a long way in this series, starting with some of the basics, and then going deeper with composition with such things as the Bing Maps and Twitter Mashup, Drag and Drop, asynchronous programming among others. One of the nicest aspects so far is the ease of integration into jQuery. For the first release, we have Observable.FromJQueryEvent, but we didn’t quite cover live events and the integration points that we can extend. Let’s cover that today and what is coming in a future release of the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript.
Introduction to the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript – Drag and Drop
We’ve covered a bit of ground in this series on the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript, covering the basics, jQuery integration, blocking to asynchronous and further composition. One way I’ve found to really get your hands dirty using this library is to take examples from other libraries and translate them into using our library of choice. In this case, I’m taking examples written in the Flapjax language, and translating them into the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript and jQuery.
The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript Released
The long awaited day has come as the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript have been released on DevLabs in conjunction with the talk given by Erik Meijer at Mix 2010. Jeff Van Gogh, one of the principal developers on this project has more details and a detailed look at the sample application of “Time Flies Like an Arrow”. I’d like to also give a detailed explanation of another sample application, the Bing Maps and Twitter mashup.
Introduction to the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript – Composing deeper
We’ve covered a bit of ground already in this series on the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) from the basic information, creating observers and observables, jQuery integration, composing asynchronous methods with callbacks and in the last post, turned blocking calls into asynchronous calls. Now that we have some more fundamental building blocks, let’s see what else we can do with it. Before moving to FlapJax examples, I want to revisit the Microsoft Translator to take a piece of text and translate into all languages except the currently detected.