DC ALT.NET - Building ASP.NET MVC Apps Wrapup
I want to thank Troy Goode for his presentation tonight at DC ALT.NET. He gave a great demo of how to build from scratch an ASP.NET MVC blog engine, which is a lot to ask given our two hour timeframe. And yet, he pulled it off nicely. As promised, Troy has posted his materials from the presentation here.
I'm hoping in the near to set up some workshops in the Washington DC area on such subjects to take a single topic and go deep as we can on it. I think this would be a pretty valuable experience for a lot of people, and topics like building real-world applications doing TDD with ASP.NET MVC would be high on the list. Stay tuned to more details.
Next month, we're going to be covering Kanban and Lean Software Development. This is a topic that has been on my mind a lot and covered a bit by my CodeBetter compatriots here and here. Reading "The Toyota Way", the two Lean Software Development books by the Poppendiecks and the Lean Software Development mailing list has me definitely thinking. Stay tuned to the mailing list for more details.