The .Net Coffee Break Show 9 - Josh Holmes - Leveraging IronRuby in Silverlight

 Join our next webcast! 3rd of December 2008 invites all our members to attend our regular webcast.
Our next speaker is Josh Holmes, Microsoft Architect Evangelist.

Leveraging IronRuby in Silverlight

Josh Holmes

Join Josh Holmes as he talks about his two favorite technologies – IronRuby and Silverlight.

A perfect joining of two great technologies – IronRuby brings the dynamic abilities to your code that XAML gives your UI.

From animations to logic to simple HTML DOM manipulation - it's all possible and a lot of fun.

This will be broadcast live on Wednesday 3rd of December at 16:00 (Irish time!)

All the connection details to the show will be sent to you a few days prior to the start of the webcast.

This event is free but you need to visit our Webcasts page on to register!


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