Glavs Blog
The dotDude of .Net
WCF, IErrorHandler and propagating faults
On a recent project, I have needed to set up a generic error handler just above the service layer which ensured that only known exceptions were propagated up to the client in a controlled manner. This post contains information about how to write an IErrorHandler, but more importantly, it does contain an important point at the end about its implementation that I wanted to share, as well as save for my own reference on this blog, in this wonderful inter-web thingy.
EOAST - Evolution of a software thingy - Part 3
This is the the third instalment of my experiences and ideas around the development of a piece of software to initially satisfy my disappointment around Outlook and also to allow me to play with some new technologies and making them all work together. Part 1 is here and Part 2 is here.
TechEd Oz 2008 Presentation Demos
Well TechEd Au 2008 is over and done with. I did a presentation called Productive WCF and as promised to all the delegates that attended my presentation (thank you very much for attending by the way), I have provided a link where you can download a ZIP file containing all the demo code.
EOAST - Evolution of a software thingy - Part 2
In a part 1 of this series, I talked about what was the purpose of coming up with this "software thingy". Now I will tackle some of the design aspects that have evolved as I have been working on it.
EOAST - Evolution of a software thingy - Part 1
Its been a little while since I have blogged as I haven't had very many value items to add to the blogosphere lately. However, I have been steadily (albeit slowly) working away on a little software project that may or may not see the light of day, but it has been a fun learning experience, and may eventually come to something. If nothing else, its a good testbed for a number of latest technologies.
MSFeedsSync - feeds Synchronization has stopped working issue
Recently (and quite randomly I might add), I had an error dialog popup continuously, every 5-10 minutes which read:
VisualSVN - Subversion within Visual Studio
I am a big fan of Subversion. I like TFS too, but subversion is more suited to my small scale personal needs whereas TFS is more in the corporate space, or at least, more in the "requires more juice" space. Juice that I don't really have.
ASP.NET Podcast Show #119 - Using the History (Back) Functionality with the ASP.NET AJAX Web Services in .NET 3.5 Service Pack 1 Beta 1
ASP.NET Podcast Show #118 - Peer-To-Peer with Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
So I *finally* managed to get a videocast/podcast done. Wally has been harassing me for ages, and I eventually had the time to get one done. This one is on the Peer to Peer support in Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and how easy it is to do. Its remarkably simple yet extremely powerful.
WCF services getting errors when hosting in IIS
This post is more for my own records than anything and I have been meaning to write this down for some time.