ASP.NET Podcasts

After going on holidays, feeling relaxed and generally not doing much tech related stuff, I have fallen behind in a number of things. One was my inbox, something like 1400+ messages I have had to wade through, and they keep coming.

However, the other is the podcasts. Wally has been producing some podcasts and I have been out of the loop, and being the slacker that I am, have not listed them here on my blog. So without further ado, here's the recent list:

( As usual, Subscribe here )

ASP.NET Podcast Show #97 - Jim Wooley on Link Part III (video and audio)

Original URL:

Download WMV File, MP4 File (iPod and Zune), MP3 Audio File.

Show Notes:

In the past, working with data has required learning a number of different API sets for each kind of data you needed to access. Relational data requires ADO. XML uses Xpath, XQuery and the XML Dom. Objects require you to write your own manipulation code. In this video, Jim Wooley (MVP in VB) continues to look at the Language Integrated Query (LINQ) project and demonstrates how to leverage it to use a single API to work against XML, objects and relational data. In it, we continue exploring the ThinqLinq web site by demonstrating creating and querying XML to create and consume RSS feeds using ASP.Net with Visual Studio code name "Orcas". The video concludes with an overview of the language changes in C#3.0 and VB 9.0 which enable the querying functionality.
This video is part 3 of 3. The code samples and slides are available at Jim can be contacted via his web site at or at the site for his upcoming LINQ book at


ASP.NET Podcast Show #96 - Jim Wooley on Link Part II (video and audio)

Direct Download format:  WMV File, Ipod/Zune, MP3 audio File

Show Notes:

In the past, working with data has required learning a number of different API sets for each kind of data you needed to access. Relational data requires ADO. XML uses Xpath, XQuery and the XML Dom. Objects require you to write your own manipulation code. In this video, Jim Wooley (MVP in VB) continues to look at the Language Integrated Query (LINQ) project and demonstrates how to leverage it to use a single API to work against objects or relational data. In it, we continue exploring the ThinqLinq
<> web site by demonstrating joining in-memory object structures from System.IO with relational data from SQL Server. We also look at updating data back to the database using ASP.Net with Visual Studio code name "Orcas".
This video is part 2 of 3. The code samples and slides are available at Jim can be contacted via his web site at or at the site for his upcoming LINQ book at


ASP.NET Podcast Show #95 - Jim Wooley on LINQ Part I (video and audio)

Original url:

Download WMV video, iPod video, MP3 audio.

Show Notes:

Part 1:
In the past, working with data has required learning a number of different API sets for each kind of data you needed to access. Relational data requires ADO. XML uses Xpath, XQuery and the XML Dom. Objects require you to write your own manipulation code. In this video, Jim Wooley (MVP in VB) introduces the Language Integrated Query (LINQ) project and demonstrates how to leverage it to use a single API to work against objects or relational data. In it, we explore extending an existing web site to add the ability to load a set of web links from a database and display them using ASP.Net with Visual Studio code name "Orcas". He starts with a standard object collection populated by a DataReader and demonstrates how to eliminate the plumbing code using LINQ and LINQ to SQL.

Originally recorded on 3/21. Link to the Beta 1 download page:
This video is part 1 of 3 recorded at the Atlanta Visual Basic Study Group ( If it stops abruptly, it is because we didn't realize pressing F10 to step through code in a VPC would cause our recording tool to stop. The code samples and slides are available at Jim can be contacted via his web site at or at the site for his upcoming LINQ book at

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