Online Security Chats

If you are interested in Security, then try not to miss the upcoming Security chats being held towards the end of this month and the beginning of April. The URL for these chats is here and feature one my good friend Rocky Heckman. Rocky is one of readify's security guys (well actualy readify's main security guru) and knows his security stuff.

These chats are geared towards Australian timezones, however anyone can join in. The topics include:

Building and Managing a resilient Active Directory Infrastructure - Level 300 (27 March 2005) : with Jeff Alexander

Building Identity Provisioning Solutions - Level 400 (28 March 2005) : with Michael Kleef

Building Identity Provisioning Solutions - Level 400 (28 March 2005) : with Michael Kleef

Protect your Applications: Strategies that Can be Applied to Applications (3 April 2005) : with Graham Elliot & Rocky Heckman

Creating Reliable and Robust Applications with Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005 (5 April 2005) : with Andrew Coates

Hope to see you there!

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