ASP.NET Podcast - Show 34
Wally does another good job on the latest podcast, this time talking about some database concepts that everyone should be aware of. Some of the concepts may be basic or common knowledge to some, but could be news to others. Enjoy.
Show Notes:
- Coach Wally.
- Bruce Dickinson returns.
- Explore the space of being Wally.
- You really want "More Wally" in the show.
- Paul Lockwood reviews podcasts.
- Oprah Effect? What about the Wally Effect!
- People all over the world.
- Amazon.
- Google Adsense.
- Wally begs you to help out.
- Interesting findings - Wally whines about paying big bucks for big companies but won't pay less for smaller companies.
- OrcsWeb.
- Wallyisms review.
- Database Performance and Tuning.
- Proper database design.
- Primary keys are good. I like integer data types.
- Foreign keys. FKs are used to relate data like customers and orders or Orders and order items.
- Normalization is good.
- Indexing is REALLY, REALLY important.
- Sql Server Profiler.
- Database Tuning.
- What happens when you don't have a good database design and proper indexing? Bad things.