ASP.NET V1.1 SP1 - Potential performance problems

Dont know if this is old news or not, but got this link in my email from kbAlertz today (I think it was today - I have lots of unread mail). To quote:


In the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 (SP1), you may notice slower performance on multiple-processor computers than on single-processor computers.


This problem occurs because .NET Framework 1.1 is linked to the single-threaded C runtime library that does not handle multithreaded access to heaps.
This kind of alert, while important, I find very frustrating. Particularly the text "you may notice slower performance". Obviously there is more variables involved than simply having ASP.NET 1.1 SP1 installed before you may experience slow performance, but what exactly?
I have a number of applications that meet this vague criteria but are they all affected. To be sure, I would need to measure the performance, apply the fix, measure again and compare the numbers. This can take time and potentially cause disruption to the business. Surely it wouldn't be too hard to provide some more specific criteria under which this problem may manifest.
Lets face it, it is either linked to the "single threaded C runtime library", or it isn't, so the effects of this problem (IMHO) should be seen in most cases.
As usual, the disclaimer states:
"Only apply it to systems that are experiencing this specific problem. This hotfix may receive additional testing. Therefore, if you are not severely affected by this problem, we recommend that you wait for the next Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 service pack that contains this hotfix."
I am assuming being severely affected means on a very high volume site, but again, its just too vague for me.
Anyone applied this fix and seen a noticeable difference? What kind of systems have you seen this degraded performance?

1 Comment

  • Jeff,

    Would I be worried? Not right now. All our apps have been tested and exceeded the business requirements. However, I dont control all the teams in our org and I also dont know what will be happening in the future in terms of traffic. Maybe the business has been conservative in terms of projected volume and we hit some huge peaks. Who knows...

    I'd just like a more definitive statement on what systems would be affected, rather than, "well if its running slow, this may help things, possibly, maybe, sort of....".

    and then there are the Zebras.....ohh dammit. I thought about them....

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