VS 2010 Beta 2 : Quick Glance
I got my copy of VS 2010 Beta 2 installable DVD just a few days back. Without wasting much time I straight away installed the beta version of VS 2010 .Installation was pretty smooth , just like its predecessor VS installation requires quiet a big amount of space in your hard drive.Since its only a beta version , you need to connect to internet to get some high end features.But no worries , whatever comes with the DVD installable is sufficient enough that you can kick start your development process.
Microsoft Pattern’s and Practices : Improving Web Services Security
I was going through the patterns and practices section of MSDN website when I came across this pattern and practice guide on how to Improve Web Service Security.Basically this guide is for people who are developing web services using WCF.
PageSpeed – Another FireFox Plugin
Unit Testing WebMethods
Any developer working with Asp.Net Ajax cannot deny the importance of “ Ajax WebService” and with WCF coming up this feature is going to be one of the most admired feature of the web development.
AjaxControlToolkits AsyncFileUpload Control
Finally , the wait for a control to upload files asynchronously is over.AjaxControlToolkit latest release has introduced new control called AsyncFileUpload control which is compatible with UpdatePanel and can be used to upload files asynchronously.You can download the latest release from the following URL:-
Working With AjaxControlToolkit
jQuery Selectors
Why Radiobutton selection in RadioButtonList control doesn't fire?