Call for Abstracts Now Open for Fall Microsoft ASP.NET Connections (Closes Apr 22)

Dear Colleague, 

We would like to extend you an invitation to submit abstracts for consideration to speak at the Fall 2011 Microsoft ASP.NET Connections conference (part of DevConnections) in Las Vegas, October 31- Nov 3, 2011.  

The deadline for submissions is Friday, April 22, 2011. 
For submitting sessions, please use this URL:  

Please keep the abstracts under 200 words each and in one paragraph. No bulleted items and line breaks, and please use a spell-checker. Do not email abstracts, you need to use the web-based tool to submit them.  Please submit at least 3 abstracts, but it would help your chances of being selected if you submitted 5 or more abstracts. Also, you are encouraged to suggest all-day pre or post conference workshops as well.  We need to finalize the conference content and the tracks layout in just a few short weeks, so we need your abstracts by April 22nd. No exceptions will be granted on late submissions!  

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* ASP.NET WebForms
* Data access in ASP.NET
* Orchard
* Web Matrix
* Anything else related to ASP.NET
* Agile Development and other talks about process and professional development 

Please realize that while we want a lot of the new and the cool, it's also okay to propose sessions on the more mundane "real world" stuff as it pertains to ASP.NET. However, we want new abstracts this time around. 


 What you will get if selected:
* $500 per regular conference talk.
* Compensation for full-day workshops ranges from $500 for 1-20 attendees to $2500 for 200+ attendees.
* Coach airfare and hotel stay paid by the conference.
* Free admission to all of the co-located conferences
* Speaker party
* The adoration of attendees
* etc.  

To repeat: the deadline for submissions is Friday, April 22, 2011. 
And the URL once again is:  

Your continued support of Microsoft ASP.NET Connections and the other DevConnections conferences is appreciated.

Good luck and thank you,  
Paul Litwin
Microsoft ASP.NET Conference Chair  


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