Paul Ballard's WebLog

.NET All Day.... .NET All Night. The semi-coherent ramblings of a sleep deprived mind.

  • Gentleman, Prepare to Click-Once!

    In Rob's summary of the story thus far, he further "refines" the criteria for our bet to include that the application be installed via Click-Once.  While this may be a tough criteria to meet given the current FUD about installing the .NET Framework, I'll take that challenge.  Okay Rob, you're on!  Who's with me?!?!

  • No Rob, Dumb Terminals are a Dumb Idea

    My friend and colleague Rob Howard recently posed the question on his blog, “Are Smart Clients a Dumb Idea?”  In his post he recanted his earlier statements regarding the adoption of smart clients and now is convinced that web based applications written with the magic of AJAX are indeed the future.  In this post, I hope to bring him, and the rest of the AJAX Hip-Mo-Tized world back to some semblance of reality.

  • How to Start a New Web 2.0 Company

    While doing a bit of reading in preparation for a rather lengthy blog post I'm working on I found this hilarious site that lets you generate your own VC friendly company name and product.  I'm pretty sure this is what the Vonage guys used to come up with their spiffy new name.

  • Microsoft’s “Live” Services – The Power is in Smart Clients, not AJAX

    There has been quite a bit of noise lately over Microsoft’s recent “Live Services” announcement, most of which was caused by Microsoft’s choice to use AJAX, a cutting edge technology if you happen to be stuck in 1998.  Those of us currently residing in reality, also known as the end of 2005, remember that client-side Javascript is more browser slight-of-hand than an architecture on which to build enterprise applications.  But the fanfare went on and the browser addicts once again felt justified in killing off usability in the name of a myth called “ease of deployment”.  Even Rob Howard, a generally very smart guy, is ready to call for the end of Smart Clients.  But if you take a closer look at the functionality of Microsoft’s Live Services what you’ll find is that the real power comes from Smart Clients, not AJAX.

  • HP's New Revenue Generation Strategy - Did you want drivers with that?

    Let's say that against your better judgement and the urging of your closest family members you do the unthinkable and actually purchase a retail computer from HP.  Make absolutely sure that you take any driver CDs or files from hidden partitions and burn them onto 10 different CDs.  Put one in a bank deposit box, send 5 of them to your closest friends, and bury the rest in your yard!  Because if you ever lose them,  you're going to pay!

  • Dallas Launch Event November 30th -- Sold Out!

    The Dallas Visual Studio 2005 Launch Event is going to be held on November 30th at the Dallas Convention Center.  With more than 3,800 attendees this will be the second largest launch event in the country.  Attendees will get to see the latest in Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server technologies and might even be able to pick up some goodies as well.  I'll be there in the "Ask The Experts" section, so if you have any questions feel free to drop by and introduce yourself!

  • Databinding Custom Collections C# Source Code

    I've received quite a few requests for a C# version of the sample code that came with my article.  So, here is a C# version of the 1.1 custom collection.  If I get inundated with requests I'll port the 2.0 version, but otherwise it's probably not necessary.  There are a couple of changes that you should be aware of.

  • Using Data From SharePoint 2003 Lists (Revisited)

    Wow, It's been way too long since I blogged.  I've been pretty busy lately with PDC and the MVP Summit, both of which were great events.  So as an excuse to post something hopefully useful, I'll take this opportunity to answer a question from a reader about my earlier post on using data from SharePoint lists.