Windows XP Media Center Edition and .NET 2.0 Beta 2, Together At Last!!!

In my very first blog post, I whined discussed the troubles I had installing Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 on my fancy-shmancy new Media Center PC.  After a lot of searching I happened across Aaron Stebner's Weblog in which he was discussing deployment issues around the .NET Framework and MCE.  I posted a comment asking him if he knew when the compatibility issue would be fixed and not only did he answer my question via this post, he even created a set of configuration files for download that allow .NET 2.0 and Media Center extensions to peacefully coexist.  I download the files, reinstalled VS 2005 Beta 2 and all is well. 

Thanks Aaron, this was a huge help and I can now discard my pesky VPC image and get down to some serious exploration.

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